This post is a bit of a rehash, or summary, of all of the research done by myself and my friends at MJHD and MJH Forum. There have been numerous postings tying Criss Angel's "Believe" show to Michael Jackson, that I thought it would be a worthwhile exercise to consolidate all of the findings into one post. If I have missed anything, please let me know.
First, the most obvious is the symbolism of Criss Angel's "Believe" poster. The following shows the aspects of the poster that seem mysteriously (or coincidently) tied to MJ: (click to enlarge)

Then, we see other interesting coincidences... first, Orianti's new album, which is called, you guessed it.."Believe"...

In addition, we have MJ's children sporting a hat and T-Shirt from the "Believe" show. (thanks to a poster named "Jamiee" who posted Blanket's pic on

Then one poster had shown a comparison of the two "angel" pictures between MJ and Criss Angel,posted by Miss-Zazi95 on

An interesting aspect of Criss Angel's show is that he is taken away by ambulance, and presumably dead:
"In the entry hallway of the auditorium hang pictures depicting Criss Angel surrounded by insipid white rabbits that materialize and fade as one passes by. The classical stage is hung with thick curtains and framed with rococo golden sculptures depicting rabbit motifs. After the usual amusing Cirque du Soleil preamble with the ushers, Criss emerges to thunderous applause and enthusiasm from a full house. His infatuation with the television camera as a tool for his magic is proven when he disappears from a rolled-up screen while being monitored by a camera. The banner drape he uses is coincidentally brought in by one of his fans sitting in the front rows. The subsequent trick is a straightforward prediction effect in an overhead-hanging casket that is baffling and direct. Then he speaks about his foolhardy obsession with an illusion involving an enormous Tesla Cage that delivers six million volts, which he was about to perform live. An impressively realistic Tesla coil suddenly injures Angel badly, and the rest of the cast is seen rushing to and fro, apparently quite helpless until a stretcher takes him to an ambulance. This is recorded on camera and shown on large video screens and, although everybody knows that it involves stage blood, the close-up of his face is graphic and provides quite a gruesome and unnecessarily morbid spectacle. From then on, what dominates the show is a weird dream emerging from a dark mind."
This is from a review of the show on ""
According to, MJ saw "Believe" with Kenny Ortega in April 2009, and wanted a lineup of "lookalike dancers" for his show:
Now is something very interesting...
"There’s a solid rumor that when Michael’s first England run ends in September and resumes again there in January that he may well do a series of U.S. concerts. Although AEG wants him to appear in Las Vegas, it’s more likely it will be in New York or L.A. where there are arenas with 15,000 to 20,000 seats.
The London ticket sales were really a testing of the waters,” one source told me. “There’s no question that Michael and AEG are discussing a world tour now.”This was posted in an article here...
Now Cirque Du Soleil, which is home to Criss Angel's show, also wants MJ's show:
"..some interesting news from the live performance front: Cirque du Soleil is heavily courting the Jackson estate for a Las Vegas-style show featuring Michael’s music. The Canadian-based company is said to be working hard to convince all the parties that they can do for Michael what they did for the Beatles with the “Love” show at the Mirage Hotel.
The money involved is said to be astronomical."
Does "Believe" hold significance, or is it all just coincidence.....?